Thursday 29 December 2011


This morning there were 19 followers. Now, 18. And when I counted, only 16. SOME PEOPLE have been unfollowing.

Which means we need  to get more followers.#


Tia/FashionistaT said...

It's not ALL about the followers, you know? The most important thing about a blog is that you like posting on it, not how many followers you have. Maybe it's because of the crappy banner & layout (no offence). You need to earn followers, not to beg for them.

Funkymoomoo1 (Chloe) said...

& what if I dont see the point in posting in a blog that only me and fellow writers look at? Because that's what it was like until the past few days. & yes the banner is crappy, I have asked for help with it several times, but to no avail.